Breakfast can’t get any better if it includes these fluffy, delicious nutritious sweet potato pancakes.
I love pancakes and even more if they have rich ingredients like sweet potatoes which are packed with vitamins C, A and B as well as minerals like magnesium and potassium.
Magnesium is crucial for various functions of the body. It helps nerve function, regulates
Others Benefits of sweet potatoes are:
- Low glycemic index.
- Source of Choline, it’s an important element to tame inflammation.
- Rich in fiber, which is important for the digestive system and the process of foods through the body.
- Source of beta carotene.
1/3 cup organic rolled oats
1 cup gluten free pancake mix. I used Namaste waffle & pancake mix
2 boiled and peeled sweet potatoes
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 ½ cup almond milk
2 large eggs
Heat a nonstick pan.
Mix boiled sweet potatoes, eggs and nondairy milk first in a blender, then add the remaining ingredients.
Ladle about ⅓ cup of the mixture into the center of the pan (for smaller pancakes) cooking 1 at a time.
Turn when ready.
Serve by themselves or add toppings like a drop of date or maple syrup and fresh blueberries.
These easy pancakes are perfect for breakfast or a brunch table.