Do you know what a healthy lifestyle is?

Do you have one?

Would you like to learn how to develop one?

I will start by defining what my view of a healthy lifestyle is.  A Healthy Lifestyle utilizes activities that you like to do that make your feel better and happy with purpose in life.

You need habits that involve good eating, physical and mental activities that make you happy and fulfilled.  These activities can help prevent ailments like depression. 

Before forming new habits or activities, ask yourself why and how this will help to be healthy and happy.  It depends on what your interests are, your needs, motivations and just what you want.

Is it achievable?

Next, make a list of what would you like to add, improve, practice, or even eliminate in your life to have a better lifestyle. 

Maybe this list will help you: Add adventure, make more friends, travel, have fun, make more money, improve knowledge, connect with yourself or with others, love, health, improve sleep, nutrition, selfcare time, joy, laughter.

In my case, I practice most of them since I like to keep my life busy.  I have routines for myself including selfcare, exercise and balanced nutrition.  I also dedicate time to my family and my friends; I believe that maintaining a social network with people supports longevity. It is one of the rituals that centenarians from Okinawa, Japan practice which is believed to support and balance their life force.

“Enjoy being active, smile and never give up, you are a creator”.